Dodgen Middle School


MTW is thrilled to produce the Dodgen musical again! We look forward to working with the talented Dodgen students on stage in “Beauty and the Beast JR.”  Auditions will be held the week after Thanksgiving break, Dec. 2, 3, 4, 5. Our first rehearsals will be Dec. 10, 13 and 17 before the Holiday Break, and we will pick back up on January 7th after students return. Rehearsals will continue on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 7:30 am-8:30 am (school bell) until our performance dates, March 21, 22, and 23.


The cast size will be limited in order to give each actor the instruction and stage time they need. Not every child who auditions will make the cast. Any child not cast will receive a refund of monies paid.

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email with audition materials, and rehearsal information. We use SignUpGenius for volunteer signups. The link will be sent to all families within the first month of rehearsals.

Drama Club

Drama Club at Dodgen meets for 10 weeks in the fall. Students will build confidence and learn stage skills through fun-filled theatre games, improvisation and scene study. This is a great way to meet other students while having a blast and learning how to think on your feet and speak in front of others. Dodgen Drama Club meets on Wednesday mornings beginning Sept 4th and will go through Nov.13.


Applications can be completed here, or download and print the registration forms, and complete as indicated on each form. They can be dropped off at the front office, emailed to or mailed to Vicki Chase, 3546 Clubland Dr, Marietta GA 30068.

Dates for Beast and the Beast Jr.

  • Auditions: December 2nd-5th

  • Start Rehearsals: December 10th

  • Show: March 21st, 22nd, 23rd

For quick access to registration forms and digital payments please click on this link: